We look forward to support you with friendly professionalism throughout your entry and settlement in Japan.

Thank you for checking this website!
I am a Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist.
I can support you when you want to stay, study, and live here in Japan by communicating in Enlgish all you need to know about the residency procedures.
If need assistance to find and rent or buy, I am also a real estate transcation specialist. It is my pleasure to find you a comfortable living space.
After you are settled in your new home and your residency is secured, I would love to connect you to a fantastic , repute and successful Japanese Language learning association.
Please contact us if you have a question!I can help you beyond each border!

~Introducition to live and work in Japan~
Step1.Before coming to Japan
Application for Certificate of Eligibility (VISA,在留資格認定証明書交付申請(COE))
For foreign nationals who intend to enter Japan, the activities they intend to carry out in Japan fall under any of the residence statuses (excluding “temporary visitor” and “permanent resident”), etc. This is an application you must make before entering Japan to prove that you meet the conditions.
By submitting and presenting the issued Certificate of Eligibility when applying for a visa or landing at an overseas embassy, you will be able to receive a visa or landing permit promptly.
Step2.After Settlement
●Application for permission to change status of residence(在留資格変更許可申請)
- If a foreigner wishes to change the activity for the purpose of residence and engage in activities that fall under a different status of residence, you can change to a new status of residence
●Application form for extension of period of stay(在留期間変更許可申請)
This is an application to be made to renew the period of stay for foreign nationals who are currently residing under any of the following statuses and wish to continue to stay beyond the granted period of stay without changing their current status of residence.
●Application for permanent residence permit(永住許可申請)
This is an application to be made in case a foreigner wishes to change his or her residence status, or a foreigner who wishes to acquire a residence status due to birth, etc., they can change to a permanent resident status or obtain a permanent resident residence status.
Fee for your procedures
Total Fee for Certificate of Eligibility ¥300,000(Excluding Tax)Per Person
Fee for Appilication for Certificate of Eligibility to your new living place
★Services including this Fee
①Fee for Appilication for Certificate of Eligibility
②Fee for Application form for extension of period of stay(2times)
or Application form for extension of period of stay and for permission to change status of residence
③Other extra Services (Consultaiton for living (Once)、Learging Japanese Laguate(Once))
- This package includes any fee not only for entering into Japan,but also after entered in .
- In addition,we support you as you live in Japan. We have real estate license and can introduce you many houses for support ,and even intoroduce sutitable Japanese Language School and teachers.
- Please feel free to contact us!
Services and Prices
Consultation(one(1)hour) | ¥5,000yen |
Application for Certificate of Eligibility (Work) ※It depends on your status. | ¥100,000~150,000yen |
Application for permission to change status of residence | ¥100,000yen |
Application form for extension of period of stay | ¥100,000yen |
Application for permanent residence permit | ¥100,000yen |

If you want to contact us ,please enter nessasary items in the below box and click the button “送信”.
Ater we receive your message, we will contact you within 2 business days.
If Just in case you do not have a response from us,please call us.


Japanese Immigration Services Agency(出入国在留管理庁)
They have much information relating to Residence Procedures for foreign people with multi languages in their web site.

Residence Procedures(在留手続)
●List of status of residence(在留資格一覧表)
●Specified Skills System(特定技能制度)
●About the Foreign Technical Intern Training Program(外国人技能実習制度)
Residency support(在留支援)
●To all foreign nationals entering Japan – Guidance page for new entrants
●Foreign Resident Support Center(FRSC)(外国人在留支援センター)
●A Daily Life Support Portal for Foreign Nationals

Plain Japanese related information(やさしい日本語関連情報)

Living and Working Guidebook(生活・就労ガイドブック)
